Wednesday, April 1, 2015



Jonsona Quote***> "My album is for people who have an open mind, an open heart and an appreciation for original music and artists."
Jonsona is an artist (formerly known as "Bypass Ratio").
His debut album is entitled Exemplify and will be out this April.
The album will consist of 10 tracks and runs about 40 minutes.
***> "This album is pretty short in running time compared to other albums but I wanted the debut album to be simple, an introduction of this entity. If (I mean when) I have some success with this one, I will record a second album this fall that will be a bit longer!"

Exemplify starts off with some attitude backed by danceable
grooves then melds into a slow, emotional and revealing ballads then finishes off with strong sexual undertones and jazzy pleas for world peace and human kind to be kind to each other and wake up to the realities of what is truly going on in the world today!
***> "I didn't want to get too political on Exemplify. Not everyone agrees with my way of  thinking and I don't agree with some of  the ways other people think but this album is for everyone (well, with the exception for young kids - there is a parental advisory on the cover)  I am expressing my point of view through music but I also want people to buy it- so I don't force my opinions down people's throats, I am just expressing myself through a genre that I adore...MUSIC!"
***> "My plan for 2015 is to first... release the album (mid to late April... specific date will be soon) hopefully available on itunes and compact disc!
I will be recording a promotional video that will premiere on my youtube channel first, then I will be filming and producing the videos for the first three singles "On High,
Let It Go, and Blue Sky" which will all be released within weeks of each other, so I can get some stuff out there, and some much needed exposure, then the videos for "So You, Meld and The Human Factor". Most of the singles will have to be purchased $ but I will also be offering some singles as free downloads as well! 
***> "I have 3 main goals for this first album
#1 - to sell many copies
#2 - to have a large,loyal and awesome fan base
#3 - to cause pleasure through music, maybe touch some hearts and get people thinking!

There will be a press release and an official announcement on all of Jonsona's social media and website when the album is released. It's good stuff... give it a chance!

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